About Me

Fast Cars and Happy Lives

Hey! My name is Erica. I live for one thing and one thing only - driving my car. I have always loved cars so I was super excited when I passed my driving test last year. I decided that I needed to learn everything I could about the world of automobiles so I went down to my local auto club and made some friends. The guys there were really friendly and they took the time to talk about every aspect of owning, modifying, and maintaining a vehicle. I have learnt so much over the past few months, I just had to start a new blog. Enjoy!



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Fast Cars and Happy Lives


Navigating the World of Scrap Car Buyers

A good deal for a scrap car sounds like something that requires making the car look nice. But that's not really what getting a good deal is about. With a scrap car, you want to be sure that you're not only getting a good price but also that the company is legitimate and handles the transfer process correctly so that you do not have to worry about having your name connected to that car anymore.

Essential Tips for Buying a Diesel Diagnostics Scanner

Landing your first customer as a newbie automotive technician can be quite overwhelming. Nonetheless, you can still take advantage of the under-served logistics sector where diesel trucks need constant mobile diagnostics. Logistics companies understand that diesel trucks are the lifeline of the supply chains across the country. Therefore, optimal performance of trucks is mandatory. As a newbie technician, you can carve a niche by targeting local tracking companies and offering mobile diesel diagnostic services.